science + nature + Mind+ skin connection


A unique approach to skin health

our story & founder

Sherone aka Sherry is the founder & director of Maylahni Skin and Aesthetics Clinic, founded in 2021 and launched in 2022.

Sherry’s own personal skin journey was her reason for wanting to work in skincare and aesthetics industry. Her skin journey began in her very early teenage years when she developed cystic acne and scarring, which then led to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Due to the severity of the acne, Sherry was referred to and placed under the care of a consultant dermatologist. Years had passed and due to living an extremely busy lifestyle, her skin concerns had resurfaced with a vengeance.

Enough was enough, and Sherry made it her mission to find outstanding, world-leading technological brands and scientifically proven skincare formulations to not only start her own skincare journey, but to also help treat others experiencing skin concerns too and inspire skin positivity and confidence.

“We are and will always be in this together” Maylahni



Sherry’s training began with the world-renowned organisation VTCT, completing her Ofqual regulated NVQ Level 3 Beauty Therapy qualifications . She then went onto become a Certified pHformula Skin Health Specialist and successfully achieved her CIBTAC Level 4 in Skin Resurfacing. Sherry later went on to complete a number of other advanced modalities in skin and aesthetics. Sherry made the decision to retrain and worked in spas and dermatology clinics. Sherry had pursued what had ALWAYS been her childhood dream to work in the skincare and aesthetics industry having a special interest in cosmetic dermatology, wellness and nature.

Sherry’s career began as a teenager working in an exclusive award-winning, luxury health spa. Fast forward, and life took Sherry’s career on a different path to what she had initially intended. Having successfully completed two degrees - BSC Honours , BA Honours Sherry then returned to University to complete additional training and gained a Postgraduate Diploma. Sherry has worked within the NHS, Local authority and private sectors in a variety of roles such as a practitioner, senior practitioner, advanced practitioner and expert assessor.









“Maylahni is a wellness brand that specialises in skin and aesthetics. However, our focus is not just this alone. we promote wellness of lifestyle to the people we serve and we strongly believe and use a 360 integrative holistic approach to promote your positive emotional well-being and mental health wellbeing to enhance your skin.”

“We use our knowledge of psychological therapy, psycophysiological disorders and psychodermatology and knowledge of the skin to assess and begin your journey to treating and improving your skin health.”



Our skin is extremely complex and is the body’s largest organ with a number of functions. You are putting your skin through an assault course every single day. You need to train it and you need to love it; you need to RESPECT it so that it RESPECTS you.

There are variable factors that contribute to your skin’s health; some of which include stressful life events, lifestyle, doing way too much, not doing enough with skincare and much much more. With the right skincare products and non-surgical aesthetic treatments, it can transform and give your skin results, but it takes more. Life’s daily activities and life’s pressures can throw your body’s homeostasis out of balance and in turn, will adversely affect your skin barrier and your skin’s signature™, which is unique for each and every person.

For a brighter, smoother, balanced complexion we take a holistic approach. We believe for longevity this can only be achieved in synergy with lifestyle and wellness. At Maylahni, our focus is on skin health & skin management, as we want your skin to be the best version of you and for you to feel confident in the skin that you are in.



    You are why we do what we do! Through open and honest conversations, assessment and analysis only then can your treatment plan be confirmed. We assess and continually re-assess at Maylahni. We take a versatile approach to skin health that is fluid and informed by intelligent science & nature.

    We want you to understand your individual skin’s signature™ in tandem with in-clinical treatments, a good skincare routine, lifestyle and wellness. From an understanding that better education drives informed decisions for you and your skin to achieve the best results.


    We use outstanding award-winning, industry leading and medical grade technology, alongside scientifically proven skincare formulations to ensure optimum skin health. We also ensure all of our brand partners and product manufacturers have the scientific research and evidence to support their skin health claims.


    Our ethos is using the inter-connection between intelligent science + nature, through pharma- cosmeceutical, medical-grade & plant-based skin treatments. We offer an integrative 360 multi- dimensional approach to your medical skin concerns through professional and advanced skin treatments..

    Using safe but innovative treatment methods, we use assessment by addressing other factors that may be impacting on your skin health. We use holistic approaches, combined with clinic protocols to ensure that the results are of optimum benefit for our clients.


    .We say it loudly, confidently and without any apologies.We will always represent skin types that traditionally and still to this day within the skincare, beauty and aesthetics industry are underrepresented, undervalued and under appreciated. We say yes to positive representation, yes to your valued and yes to you will always be appreciated.

    True representation is the key to redefining beauty standards in the skincare and aesthetics industry that have been engrained into society over the years and at Maylahni, we are here to challenge those norms, break beauty barriers and inspire positive change within the beauty industry. Through an honest and transparent approach, we represent real skin, real beauty and realistic expectations of our skin to encourage skin confidence and self confidence alongside holistic self-love.


    Maylahni believe that healthy skin starts from within and so as a brand, we strive to offer a holistic skin journey for all of our clients, from education on skin habits, right through to personalised treatment plans and support. We care for your skin so that you feel you can love yourself, no matter what challenges your skin is facing.


    At Maylahni, we believe honesty and integrity is vital within the skincare industry. We value open and transparent consultations to ensure our clients have realistic expectations of their skin journey. Through our honest approach, we build a trusting relationship with all clients to ensure they feel comfortable throughout their treatment plan.


  • Maylahni specialises in providing personalised, advanced, clinical and professional corrective face and body treatments for acne, pigmentation, anti-ageing and rosacea.

    Pricing will be tailored to your individual skin needs, so pricing will vary depending on the treatment and area being treated and will be given on application.

  • May-Lar-Knee

  • Maylahni offers two very different consultations:

    1. The skin health consultation:

    This is a 25 minute complimentary consultation.

    We use a skin analyser to analyse and detect your current skin condition and underlying skin conditions. The equipment will show what is happening on the surface of your skin and under the deeper layers of your skin that the naked eye and hands cannot detect. We will assess and provide recommendations for your personalised in-clinic treatment and prescriptive home care product treatment plan.

    Price: FREE

    2. The 360 skin health assessment:

    This is a 55 minute consultation.

    This is a unique approach offered only by Maylahni.

    Who is the 360 consultation best for?

    This is an investigative, analytical in-depth holistic assessment.. This consultation is for anyone who is just ‘stuck’ and does not know what to do.

    We assess your skin health on a much deeper level to ensure we look at your skin journey and treatment plan in a holistic way. We look at all factors contributing to your skin, everything from external factors to internal factors.

    Maybe you have tried conventional methods and it just has not worked.

    Maybe your skin seems to flare up and then goes down.

    Maybe the issue just will not go away, no matter what you do.

    Maybe you think you are doing everything to address your skin concerns but it is still there.

    You will gain a better understanding as to what is affecting your skin health. You will be empowered through knowledge to learn more about what is happening to you and how you can best manage your skin concerns. We may discuss factors that you think bare no relevance to your skin concerns. We are here to tell you it does! Our approach is unique.

    We use a skin analyser to analyse and detect your current skin condition and underlying skin conditions. The equipment will show what is happening on the surface of your skin and under the deeper layers of your skin that the naked eye and hands cannot detect. This will enable us to prescribe the most personalised prescription to address your skin concerns and begin your skin journey to skin health.


  • Yes, however you may be unable to have all of the treatments. Your treatment options will be discussed with you in your consultation.

    If you are under 18 years old you will need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian that can consent to your treatment.

“knowledge is knowing that acids peel the skin. Wisdom is applying acids that do not peel and rebuild the skin”